
Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://tainguyenso.dut.udn.vn/handle/DUT/4628
Title: Coffee chains management system
Authors: Tran, Minh Vu
Advisor: Ninh, Khanh Duy, Dr.
Keywords: Management system
Warehouse system
Transport system
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: University of Science And Technology - The University of Danang
Abstract: The aim of the project: Technology has led the way, enabling supply chain software to become faster and more efficient. With technology, through warehouse and transport systems, businesses are able to provide data capture, improve labor management, monitor resources and reduce stock losses with real-time stock checking. This project has made it easier to implement and operates the coffee chain system: manage branches, employees, products, and warehouses
Description: DA.FA.22.096; 83 p.
URI: http://tainguyenso.dut.udn.vn/handle/DUT/4628
Type: Đồ án
Appears in Collections:DA.Công nghệ phần mềm (FAST)

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